Did you find your dream hill station property in Hills & Wills Listing?

If an Ad is listed under 'High Privacy & No Junk Call' concept plan, you need to subscribe to get those advertiser details
Advantages of subscription
Unlimited Leads

Get best response from Advertiser They know seriously interested buyer / tenant like you alone can call them

Unlimited Leads

Get Best Deal for a Hill Property Advertiser know you are a potential lead and not a ‘Window Shopper’

Unlimited Leads

Access Unique Hill Property Ads Most preferred site by hill property advertisers in India to sell & let out

Unlimited Leads

All in One Subscription
You can connect with Advertisers of both Sale Ads & Rental Ads

Unlimited Leads

Property Matching & Alert
Get notification of properties matching to your requirement when listed in future

Unlimited Leads

A to Z Buying Assistance
Get relationship manager and buying process support for *Tag properties



No of Advertiser Contacts
Plan validity
7 Days
Access to all Property Listed


No of Advertiser Contacts
Plan validity
60 Days
Access to all Property Listed


No of Advertiser Contacts
Plan validity
180 Days
Access to all Property Listed
Terms of Buyer Subscription
  • Please note that there are different type of Ad listing plans available on hillsandwills.com with unique concepts and features for the Advertisers to choose
    • If an Ad is listed by the advertiser under high privacy / no junk call concept and mentioned as “Paid Listing for Buyer / Tenant” in the Ad - You need to subscribe to get those advertiser details.
    • If an Ad is listed by the advertiser under other concepts and mentioned as “Free Listing for Buyer / Tenant” in the Ad - You can get the advertiser details without subscription and by simple registration.
  • 'No. of Advertiser Contacts' mentioned is the cumulative of Sale Ads and Rental Ads for which advertiser contact details can be explored by you - You can view contact of 'Sale Ads alone' OR 'Rental Ads alone' OR 'Combination of Sale Ads and Rental Ads'
  • If you happen to contact a sold out / rented out property by subscription, You can 'Report Sold Out' / 'Report Rented Out' property through your account dashboard for verification and redeem that specific contact count by Hills & Wills
  • Subscription fee is non refundable at any circumstances and non transferable to another plan or service.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes. Registration is must to get the property Ad contact details. It is free to register on hillsandwills.com

Not for all the Ads in the listing.

Subscription is required only for getting the advertiser contact details of the Ads in which it is mentioned as 'Paid Listing for Buyer' (in case of Sale Ad) or 'Paid Listing for Tenant' (in case of Rental Ad)

The Ads in which it is mentioned  as ‘Free Listing for Buyer’ (in case of Sale Ad) or 'Free Listing for Tenant (in case of Rental Ad)

The property advertiser has the option to choose certain Ad listing type to avail the benefit of increased privacy protection for their contact details and share it with seriously interested buyers / tenants alone which is accessible to paid membership buyers / tenants.

You can find it below the ‘Property Features’ section and near the 'Ad Posted / Renewed Date' in the Ad page


Under a single subscription, you can view the contact details of Sale Ads OR Rental Ads OR Combination of sale and rental Ads, as you need.


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